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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday
9am Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Distribution of Ashes
St Mary's Church Malaga OLBS Parish

12pm Ash Service OLBS Parish Our Lady of Victory Church
Our Lady of Victory Church OLBS Parish

12 pm Ash Service OLBS Parish St Rose of Lima Parish
St. Rose of Lima Church, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish

7pm Bilingual Mass and Distribution of Ashes
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church of St Michael

7pm Rosary with St Padre Pio Our Lady of Victory Church OLBS Parish

Link to "EVERYTHING you need to take part in the Passion Play" at OLBS Parish


Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament  will NOT call or text or use Social Media requesting Money, Game Cards, Credit Card Info, or any other personal information.

If you receive such a call, we suggest you call the Parish Office immediately at 856.213.6259 to report this incident.